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Resume Worded
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Resume Worded is a career platform designed by top recruiters to help you improve your resume and LinkedIn profile and provide tailored feedback to enhance your professional presentation and increase your chances of landing interviews, opportunities, and job offers.

Key Features

  • Instant Resume Review: Receive expert feedback on your resume in seconds with Score My Resume. Get actionable steps to revamp your resume and boost your interview prospects.
  • Resume Samples: Access examples from top resumes to discover successful resume lines that have secured interviews at leading companies.
  • Resume Targeting: Utilize an AI-powered platform to analyze job descriptions and identify key keywords and skills missing from your resume.
  • LinkedIn Optimization: Optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract opportunities and connections. Receive tailored feedback on enhancing your profile and generating more job leads and networking opportunities.

How It Works

  1. Upload your resume to Score My Resume and receive expert feedback on key criteria valued by recruiters and hiring managers.
  2. Explore examples from successful resumes to find inspiration for crafting effective resume lines.
  3. Analyze job descriptions and identify missing keywords and skills in your resume to tailor to specific job requirements.
  4. Receive personalized feedback on optimizing your LinkedIn profile to attract relevant opportunities and connections.


Use Cases

  • Job Seekers: Improve your resume and LinkedIn profile to stand out to recruiters and hiring managers.
  • Career Advancers: Enhance your professional presentation to unlock new opportunities and career growth.
  • Students and Graduates: Gain valuable insights to create impactful resumes and LinkedIn profiles that showcase your skills and experience.


Resume Worded provides a comprehensive tool to help professionals enhance their resumes and LinkedIn profiles. The platform offers instant resume reviews, access to top resume samples, targeted resume tailoring, and guidance for optimizing your LinkedIn profile. It allows you to take control of your professional presentation and maximize your career prospects. Whether you’re a job seeker, career advancer, student, or graduate, ResumeWorded offers the necessary resources to succeed. Join over 1 million professionals, graduates, and students who have used Resume Worded’s toolkit to advance their careers.


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